Rabu, 03 November 2010

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (I)

I. Identify the correct determiners in the following sentences

a. Television        : The Television is being repaired by father
b. Car                 : My uncle buy car in showroom's Iwan
c. News              : The Merapi eruption is the hottest news right now
d. Person            : That person is standing beside my best friend's
e. Water             : I need many water for drinking
f. Pencil              : I have a few pencil with any kinds of colour
g. Food              : The fried rice is my favourite food
h. Tooth             : It really brothers me because I have toothache
i. Soap               : In the supermarket any kinds of soap
j. Soup               : My Mom cook the soup chicken
k. Cup               : Ari drink a little cup coffee
l. Money            : I don't have many money in my ATM
m. Minute          : I'm in hurry to collected my work sheet 5 minute again
n. Geography     : The position of Java Island looks geography if we see from the globe
o. Atmosphere   : The Earth atmosphere is not stable right now
p. Hydrogen       : The outside air has hydrogen

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